Glenn Robert's Memorial Blood Drive
April 19, 2024

October of 2015 our friend and local welder, Glenn Roberts, was diagnosed with aggressive cancer. In an attempt to support him and all those who find themselves in need of blood to live, we contacted ONEBLOOD who supplies our local hospitals to host a blood drive in his honor in the spring. To our surprise Irwin County collected 103 units of blood that day, setting a record as the largest one-day community blood drive in this hald of the United States. The following june, Glenn left his earthly home for greener pastures knowing how his friends felt about him and we are are eternally grateful. During the 8 years to follow our community has donated more each year than the last, leading up to 2023 coming in at 221 units. We have a combined total of 1459 units to date and that is enough to save a potential 4377 lives. We are always in awe and touched by your generosity and love of your neighbors.

Blood Drive Gallery

We hope to see you in our gallery soon. We love each and every person in our community that comes together to donate and show support to those in need. This event is truly inspiring and we couldn’t possibly do it without you!